You are assured of
- 100% named accounts. All banking and payment accounts are created under the fund management company name wholly owned by you.
- Up to 0% corporate tax due to special tax incentives. 0% GST/VAT and WHT
- 100% compliant company, including adherence to licensing requirements
Ability to manage third party funds located within and outside of Singapore
Unlimited advisory to the board of the fund management company
- Recognition of 100% foreign ultimate beneficial owners and shareholders
Freedom to create segregated portfolios for your backers so that their assets are segregated individually
You are guaranteed to receive
- Singapore-based fund management company, equipped with the correct licensing requirements to allow you to operate your investment business
- All back-office functions, including government filings (except late fees) and basic accounting
- Unlimited financial accounts, to hold international trading currencies (i.e. USD) under company name
- Fund management company is created as a 100% wholly-foreign owned Pte Ltd or VCC, with appointments of foreign UBOs, shareholders and directors
- Safe, secure, enforceable, transparent and regulated corporate environment, without the need to be physically present
- Unlimited advisory on corporate structure, segregated portfolios, marketing and licensing regulations
- Appointments of all key stakeholders required under license conditions, including auditors, fund administrators and corporate secretaries