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Single family office plan

— 100% wholly-owned investment holding company, created in a tax-efficiency and secure jurisdiction, for your family and descendants for life

— Major cryptocurrencies accepted

Single family office plan, a single-premium holding company plan, provides estate planning and wealth accumulation assurances, by leveraging low tax rates and stable enforceable corporate laws, from one of the most safest and most transparent locations in the world. It allows you to use an efficient and globallyrecognized investment holding company to own financial assets, so that your beneficial owners can enjoy returns devoid of capital gains tax and inheritance tax exposure. There are no capital gains tax with us under this plan, as you and your beneficiaries own equity under a holding company where capital gains, interests and royalties from assets are not taxable.

All your financial assets, financial accounts and holding company are under your name, 100%-owned by you and any beneficiary you nominate. You can adjust your funds under management at any time, new capital you deploy will be devoid of any withholdings tax. Your tax-efficiency is assured no matter how much funds or assets your holding company owns. This assurance continues over and over again so that enjoy tax-efficient returns over your life-time when you realize capital gains.

This is a fiduciary plan, which means there will be a Singapore-based investment advisor appointed, who will be a director of your holding company, who has autonomy to carry out the investment strategy that you and him/her has agreed to.

Key benefits

How single family office plan​ works

You are assured of

You are guaranteed to receive

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