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Use rights monetization plan

100% wholly-owned company, to monetize exploration and development rights for land anywhere in the world
Major cryptocurrencies accepted

Use rights monetization plan, a single-premium commercial company plan, provides you the ability to secure initial capital to develop your land, usually for mineral exploration and development purposes, such as for gold and copper projects, located anywhere in the world. It provides you unlimited potential to appoint shareholders around the world, have them deposit capital in exchange for ordinary or preference shares in your holding company. It also allows you to to raise such capital to fulfil working capital requirements and to position the company to be more attractive to public companies listed on any exchange, including resource-friendly exchanges like TSX and ASX. Lastly you enjoy unlimited potential to appoint all stakeholders whom would contribute towards success of the project, such as industry subject matter experts, financial brokers and intermediaries. They could then be securely rewarded when you appoint them as promoters and directors of your holding company.

All use right assets (i.e. exploration and development rights), bank accounts and company are under the holding company name, which is 100%-owned by you. Your tax-efficiency is assured no matter how much funds or assets you hold under your holding company. This assurance extends to your shareholders so they also enjoy zero capital gains when they exit their ownership.

This is an advisory plan, which means there will be a board advisor appointed, who will be a director of your holding company, whom you would liaise with anytime to seek advise on how to make full use of your holding company.

Key benefits

How the use rights monetization plan works

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