Procure investment-grade 1kg gold bars at spot +0.25%. Enquire within.

Single Venture
Holding Plan

100% wholly-owned tax-efficient investment holding company to own gold and other financial assets for the benefit of your family member.

Your 100% wholly owned Singapore incorporated Pte Ltd with you and anyone of your choosing as shareholders and directors, created to run a global Startup, SME or SPV.

Key Benefits

Increase your shareholder value when you are assured that your shareholders enjoy 0& capital gains tax over the lifetime of this plan. You benefit from being able to expand your market size as you have positioned your local project to the world under the best possible tax and corporate environment.

You can decide and discuss with us at every step, the decisions that you have to make. You will be prompted to make those decisions digitally and can have full transparency over the pros and cons of the options, before you cast your final decision.

All company and accounts are 100% yours. You can nominate your professional networks as shareholders or directors of your holding company to reward them for their contributions

All the exit options (i.e. RTO, IPO, MBO, LBO) are open to you. You can decide each offer as they come along, supported by your board of directors, and unimpeded by majority and minority shareholders who are bounded by tag-along and drag-long rights in the shareholders agreements

How It Works

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Physical Gold
Holding Plan

Licensed Fund
Management Plan​​

Single Family
Office Plan

Single Venture
Holding Plan

Import Export
Expansion Plan

Capital Markets
Fiduciary Plan

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    Discover more plans for you

    Find a product that suits you best.

    Capital markets fiduciary plan

    Import export expansion plan

    Licensed fund management plan

    Single venture holding

    Single family office

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    qualified financial

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